Friday, June 28, 2013

Humorous rules of cosplay at supanova

Humorous rules of cosplay at supanova:
3.3 I’m all ready to be super, but why doesn’t my skit work?!
Did you follow the technical requirements in section 1.6.2? If so it should work fine. We’ve had plenty of cases where the files handed in did not play audio, or video, or either. You should test your file to see if it works in VLC player on OSX. If you did follow the requirements exactly, then there may be a glitch with the system. But don’t worry, please be patient and we will restart the file if need be.
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3.4 Can I kill the host?
No. Unless they let you. And even then you will need to be gentle. If we find that you inflict any harm on our host, you will be held accountable for it, and will report you to the appropriate authorities. Our host may choose to interact with you in one way or another. If you aren’t comfortable with being interviewed by our host, please let us know when you check in so we can make a note of it.
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3.5 What am I being judged on?
There are a few categories that you can win: Skit, Group, Costume and Cosplay. Please note that the judges’ decision is final. The judges do not need to disclose how they arrived at their decision. Although there are prizes to be won, please remember that everyone is here to have fun. Please remember to have fun yourself, and to not ruin anyone else’s time. If you do otherwise, you will be removed from the convention without refund.
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3.5.1 I did this awesome Kpop dance in my costume. Why didn’t I win best cosplay?
Cosplay is essentially costume play. It will depend on the accuracy of your costume, the accuracy of your portrayal of the character and general attitude. You may have the best Batman costume ever created, but you wouldn’t see him doing a Kpop dance would you? The skit should be relevant to the character’s personality.
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3.5.2 I make better outfits than Versace. Why didn’t I win best costume?
There are many ways a costume can be constructed, and although you may be the best tailor in the universe, someone else may have created a more impressive costume that makes them look exactly like the character they are cosplaying. Sometimes it’s not all about craftsmanship. It’s about the impact of the costume.
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3.5.3 My group had over 9000 people in it. Why didn’t we win best group?
Yeah heard the saying quality over quantity? Best group is a result of everyone looking good as their characters, portraying their characters and interacting with each other accurately.
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3.5.4 My skit was awesome and full of epic lols. Why didn’t I win best skit?
What you find funny may not be what everyone else (judges) finds funny. Someone else may have performed a breathtakingly performance that accurately brings the character to life. I suggest if you plan on doing a skit, make sure you think long and hard about the purpose. If you’re trying to win the competition, then this will serve you well.

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